Writing Advice

Weird Muse? by Steven Harrison

Many people have written about the things they need in order to be able to write to their best. Some need loud music, others need complete silence. Sometimes it also depends on what is being written. I usually need complete silence too when I am writing fiction, however as I’m writing this -a piece of rambling / reflective non fiction- I have music playing on shuffle in the background. The start of the piece was mainly taken up with Peter Gabriel and as I write this section Denis Leary is sinking on his Love Boat.


The Year Ahead

The group has quiet a few things planned for the year ahead, outside of our usual Monday night meet-ups and the Off the Cuff Saturdays (Check out our Events page for more details), we're also going to be hosting many events throughout the year. Below is a list of everything we have booked in so far, though new events and changes may occur as the year progresses, but we'll keep the Events page updated with any changes.