
Escafeld Catch Up

Okay, so there's two things we need to go over with this post. Firstly, last Saturday was our third Evening at Escafeld event of the year, featuring the brilliantly funny KT Davies, Heide Goody and Iain Grant. There were some hilarious stories as well as lots of great chat and, all in all, it was a really fun evening.


Bone Ships, Assassins and Memory Investigations

Yesterday we held our first Evening At Escafeld of the year and it was a wonderful night. We had the fantastic RJ Barker talking about his next trilogy, starting with the Bone Ships due for release September sometime, as well as reading from Blood of Assassins with his usual style.  Then we had the brilliant Dan Godfrey reading the first chapter of his latest release, The Synapse Sequence and talking about the clash between A.I. led investigations and memory-viewing.